2 or 3 visits will lead to a sale, but advertisers have developed an innovative strategy to boost these numbers. It involves displaying banners for specific products- the exact ones users previously searched! For example, if a user searched for a specific shirt, they will be shown a banner featuring the same shirt. Criteo is a leader in dynamic retargeting. They were founded in France in 2005 and have been developing ever-better capabilities as the years go by. Static retargeting, as it was called at the time, consisted of displaying the same advertisement to someone who has visited the same website before. Criteo retargeting ads are innovative and its advertisements will now be customized to each customer’s interests. Consumers don’t always share their preferences and behavior with companies. And without that data, it can be impossible to find customers’ needs or what they might want to buy. In order to know what customers do with our product, the company installs cookies on their browsers. This is their main source of data. The company can establish profiles of customers and products from this data and connect them. Criteo is a great company to work with, specifically for online retailers and brands. Criteo provides them with access to efficient advertising, customized for every single user. Not only can they increase their return on investments on advertising by thirteen times just by increasing the engagement of users on ads, but they have other excellent products that can help, too. In case you would like to report on these goals and check if your marketing channels perform up to speed, we can only recommend reporting and dashboarding tools. These include Tableau, Data Studio or Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence. Criteo now offers services like pay-per-click bidding, but many other types of online advertising as well. Criteo has been battling against pesky decreases in its data sources, like cookies that are slowly disappearing. Apple and Google have announced they would start decreasing third-party cookies to prevent intrusive advertising. These two announcements have caused a major drop in Criteo’s shares. Criteo has been developing new sources of income to rely less on cookies.